IELTS Counsellor is an enterprise of Adaptive Academic Alliance (ADACALL) Private Limited
edu@ieltscounsellor.com | +91-9207544792

Do we really celeberate
The International Day for the Girl Children?
Let's raise bold voice for girls and stand up for their social upliftment.

Country | Quota |
Afghanistan | 350 |
Algeria | 250 |
Azerbaijan | 150 |
Bangladesh | 100 |
Bhutan | 25 |
Burma | 50 |
India | 1000 |
Indonesia | 250 |
Iran | 50 |
Iraq | 250 |
Kosovo | 25 |
Malaysia | 100 |
Maldives | 300 |
Morocco | 75 |
Pakistan | 250 |
Philippines | 150 |
Spain | 50 |
Sri Lanka | 250 |
Turkey | 100 |
Uzbekistan | 100 |
Venezuela | 150 |
Zambia | 100 |
Starting 11 October 2022, IELTS Counsellor is offering free English literacy and school education to deserving girl children:
More than 4,000 children from 22 countries would be benefited by the end of this year. Thanks to the dedicated support from Adaptive Academic Alliance (ADACAL) Pvt. Ltd.
Issues like gender discrimination, domestic violence, sexual abuse, child labour, human trafficking, health and education, just to name a few, tend to be adversely skewed when closely examining the life of the girl child.
Among the horrific situations they face globally, such as prostitution, illiteracy, indoctrination, slavery, the military refugees, and pornography, POVERTY and IGNORANCE are considered to be the mother of most issues. More than 30% of children in the developing world suffer from malnutrition and are underweight. Very less has been done in this regard.

when education is being traded in the so-called institutions of civilized societies, IELTS Counsellor offers discounts, encourages learners, and helps them cross the price-barriers so that leaning becomes affordable and fun.
We strive to provide knowledge at the lowest possible cost, uncompromising with our quality policy and the academic objectives of learners.
Things that fuel our mission are mutual trust, sincerity, commitment, and contributions for shared social interests.
There has been extensive researches carried out and we have lots of information available on challenges facing women and children in general but not enough research has been carried out or documented on the plight of the girl child.

Lack of Access to Education: More than 100 million children do not have access to school. Of the children who enroll in primary school, over 150 million drop out, while user fees, including levies, are still charged for access to education in 92 countries and that such charges have impact on excluding girls.

The United Nations, which created the International Day of the Girl Child in 2011 to promote girls' rights, says difficulties already faced by girls have been exacerbated by the coronavirus health crisis, including in the areas of education, child marriage, domestic violence and economic opportunity.

The schooling of girls is critical to advancing gender equality, according to a new, related UNESCO report. The report said that despite an increase across all levels of education, girls are still more likely to suffer exclusion than boys, an outcome it said is exacerbated by the current pandemic.

Around the world, 132 million girls are out of school, according to U.N. figures, with 1 in 3 adolescent girls from the poorest households having never been to school.