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101 - Eloquence in English Speaking
Sab, 07 Des
This seminar will explore various aspects of mastering eloquence in English speaking. The presenter will share key strategies recommended by experts and address common challenges faced by speakers.

Waktu & Lokasi
07 Des 2024, 20.00 GMT+5.30 – 08 Des 2024, 22.00 GMT+5.30
Kochi, S Chittoor Rd, Cheranallur, Kochi, Kerala 682027, India
Tentang Event
✍️ The Scope:
This seminar will explore various aspects of mastering eloquence in English speaking. The presenter will share key strategies recommended by experts and address common challenges faced by speakers. Participants will gain insights into the following areas:
Understanding the importance of eloquence in professional and personal communication.
Developing effective speaking skills for different contexts.
Enhancing vocabulary and pronunciation for clear communication.
Overcoming common speaking challenges and building confidence.