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Webinar #103: How To Develop Fluency For IELTS Speaking Tests
Sab, 14 Nov
|Webinar #103 - IELTS Speaking
Would you like to be an achiever? Would you like to know their experiences? Would you like to avoid retaking the IELTS test? Would you like to make your IELTS amazingly inexpensive? Would you like to take the advantage of our 23 years of voyage in training?

Waktu & Lokasi
14 Nov 2020, 19.30 – 22.30 GMT+3
Webinar #103 - IELTS Speaking
Tentang Event
✍️ Key Features of the IELTS Speaking Test
The IELTS speaking test is one candidate and one examiner, who manages the test and evaluates the candidate at the same time. The test is separated into three parts. Each part takes about 4 minutes. In parts 1 and 2 the examiner uses a script, in part 2 a list of questions. In Part 1, the examiner asks the candidate some simple personal questions on everyday familiar topics. The examiner reads these questions from a script. Example topics are work, study, where you live, food, holidays, friends, going out, festivals, sports, schools and public transport. In Part 2, the examiner gives the candidate a topic on a card and the candidate needs to speak about it for about 2 minutes. Before speaking, the candidate has one minute to make notes. The task is to talk about a personal experience such as a memorable day or a significant person. This is followed by a quick question, which the candidate gives a short answer to. This provides some continuity for the transition to part 3. In Part 3, candidate and examiner will have a discussion relating to the subject area in Part 2. The candidate will be asked to do more complicated things, such as evaluate, justify positions and opinions, make predictions, and express preferences. The examiner has a list of questions but is not limited to these. He or she can respond freely to the candidate's answers, making this part of the test more like a normal conversation.
There are four evaluation criteria on the speaking test: (1) grammatical range and accuracy, (2) fluency and coherence, (3) lexical resource and (4) pronunciation. Fluency and coherence: how well your response flows and how well connected your ideas are. Lexical resource: how well you use vocabulary to express what you mean. Grammatical range and accuracy: how well you use English grammar, the variety of grammatical structures you use and how you use grammar to aid understanding. IELTS examiners are experienced language teachers and have been certified to assess your spoken English and not your accent. They are always prepared to hear an extensive range of accents when conducting an IELTS Speaking test.
✍️ The Scope:
This webinar will shed light on various perspectives of strategic planning and handling of the speaking exam situation. The presenter will also share some key strategies recommended by most examiners and the ambiguity that lies behind tricky questions. In just 3 hours it would become clear that why our test takers perform so well in exams. This webinar comprises the following:
Explaining the IELTS SPEAKING Test formats.
Describing the skills required in the speaking test.
Explaining the types of questions in the examination.
Varying approaches in answering speaking question types.
Guided practice of previous IELTS test papers of writing exam.
What should be the preparation before registering the IELTS test.
Demonstrating discourse markers, and advanced features of speaking.
Calculating the way examiners reward higher bands – the practical aspects.
Personalized recommendations by the IELTS Counsellor after the assessment.
Time-saving short-notes for busy people so that their voyage to IELTS gets realized.
✍️ Booking / Registration
Registration Fee: SAR175 (Individual) / SAR150 (Group) / SAR100 (Students)
Enrolled students can attend webinars, without paying the registration fee.
Registration will close an hour before the session starts.
✍️ Duration & Schedule
The webinar will last for 3 hours. Dates and timings are as announced.
✍️ Mode, Location and Contacts
Online Classroom (Webinar)
Phone: +966 539444797
Email: ieltsseminars@gmail.com
✍️ Cancellation & Refund
If webinar is rescheduled, then attendees would be acknowledged a day in advance.
Cancellation must be acknowledged 3 hours before the webinar begins.
Registration Fee can be refunded only if cancellation is requested a day before the event.
The refundable amount will exclude the applicable taxes and processing cost.