IELTS Counsellor is an enterprise of Adaptive Academic Alliance (ADACALL) Private Limited
edu@ieltscounsellor.com | +91-9207544792
About this service
We constantly work with both master’s students and doctoral candidates in both India and abroad, and we have developed a clear understanding of the specific challenges posed by the thesis writing process
We help students seeking a range of degrees (usually at the master’s level), including MA, MS, MSN, and MBA degrees. We specialize in customizing our assistance for our clients to help them receive approval quickly and efficiently.
Whether you’re finalizing your topic and research design, or need extra support completing your qualitative or statistical analysis, we can absolutely assist you at every stage of your thesis to ensure you have a compelling study that’s ready for approval and publication.
We would be glad to support you in compiling:
1. Topic Development
2. Prospectus/Concept Paper
3. Introduction/Abstract
4. Literature Review
5. Methodologies: Qualitative & Quantitative
6. Analysis: Power Analysis/Statistical Analysis
7. Discussion
8. Dissertations/Projects
9. Journal Article Assistance
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