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Webinar #111: How to Develop Proficiency in Reading Exams
19 dek, Ş.
|IELTS Counsellor's Virtual Blackboard
Understand how topics are integrated in the current format of Reading Tests. Understand specific reading skills on which most examinations are based. Understand lexis-assisted reading to improve reading speed and save time. Und the impact of your reading approach and handling question types.

Time & Location
19 dek 2020, 19:00 – 22:00
IELTS Counsellor's Virtual Blackboard
About the event
Webinar #111: ✍️ How to Develop Proficiency in Reading Exams ✍️
✍️ The Scope:
This webinar will shed light on various perspectives of strategic planning and handling of the READING exam situation. The presenter will also share some key strategies recommended by most examiners and the ambiguity that lies behind tricky questions. In just 3 hours it would become clear that why our test takers perform so well in IELTS tests. Various perspectives of this examination such as those listed below, would be shared with the participants:
Understand how topics are integrated in the current format of Reading Tests.
Understand specific reading skills on which most examinations are based.
Understand lexis-assisted reading to improve reading speed and save time.
Und the impact of your reading approach and handling question types.
This webinar comprises the following:
Explaining the IELTS READING Test formats.
Describing the skills required in the reading test.
Explaining the types of questions in the examination.
Varying approaches in answering reading question types.
Guided practice of previous IELTS test papers of reading exam.
What should be the preparation before registering the IELTS test.
Demonstrating discourse markers, and advanced features of reading.
Calculating the way examiners reward higher bands – the practical aspects.
Personalized recommendations by the IELTS Counsellor after the assessment.
Time-saving short-notes for busy people so that their voyage for IELTS ends well.
✍️ Booking / Registration
Registration Fee: SAR.175 (Individual) / SAR.150 (Group) / SAR.100 (Students)
Enrolled students can attend webinars without paying any fee.
Registration will close an hour prior to the webinar. (Check the timer above)
✍️ Duration & Schedule
The webinar will last for 3 hours.
Dates and timings are as announced on the website.
✍️ Mode, Location and Contacts
Online Classroom (Webinar)
Phone: +966 539444797
Email: info@ieltscounsellor.com
✍️ Key Features of the IELTS Reading Test:
There are two different types of IELTS Tests in Reading :
1. IELTS General Training Reading
2. IELTS Academic Reading
The IELTS speaking test is separated into THREE Sections. Each section is allocated 20 minutes. The total duration is 60 minutes. Each question is worth 1 mark.
Question Types:
A variety of question types are used, chosen from the following; multiple choice, identifying information, identifying the writer’s views/claims, matching information, matching headings, matching features, matching sentence endings, sentence completion, summary completion, note completion, table completion, flow-chart completion, diagram label completion and short-answer questions.
Passage Sources:
Texts are taken from books, journals, magazines, and newspapers, and have been written for a non-specialist audience. All the topics are of general interest. They deal with issues which are interesting, recognizably appropriate, and accessible to test takers entering undergraduate or postgraduate courses or seeking professional registration. The passages may be written in a variety of styles, for example narrative, descriptive or discursive/argumentative. At least one text contains detailed logical argument. Texts may contain non-verbal materials such as diagrams, graphs, or illustrations. If texts contain technical terms a simple glossary is provided.
Test takers are required to transfer their answers to an answer sheet during the time allowed for the test. No extra time is allowed for transfer. Care should be taken when writing answers on the answer sheet as poor spelling and grammar are penalized.
This ticket includes training material and IELTS Writing Tasks Evaluation by IELTS academics.
SAR 75.00Tax: VAT includedSale ended
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