IELTS Counsellor is an enterprise of Adaptive Academic Alliance (ADACALL) Private Limited
edu@ieltscounsellor.com | +91-9207544792

eXchange it
The most important single central fact about a free market is that no exchange takes place unless both parties benefit.
Milton Frieman
Any item on " EXCHANGE IT " page is offered by people who are either selling their item(s) as "new/used product " or offering EduStore buyers to exchange with their item(s) of equivalent value. Goods are exchangeable as long as they are offered in acceptable condition. Buyers are advised to purchase or exchange only after communicating with the seller (nonprofitsale@gmail.com) . If needed, they can use the forms provided through the above links.
The price quoted here is the selling price for each item. The same price can be used to exchange an item of equivalent value.