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How can I improve in Basic English Grammar?

How can I improve in Basic English Grammar?

Course Summary

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Course Code
Duration (Hrs)
Fee (INR)
How can I improve in Basic English Grammar?
20 Hours
Instructor-Led, Online


English grammar is defined as rules that describe the structure of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences in the language. Learning grammar with perfections needs consistency, practice, and patience. If sentences are not correct grammatically, there would be ambiguity and confusion. However, there are some shortcuts in learning grammar that can simplify your life.


20 to 30 days; 16 to 20 Hours
Comprehensive training with flexibility
6 hours per week; 60 minutes per session 
Face-to-Face with Teacher or ZOOM Lectures
Practical Rehearsal with Presentation Skills
Recommended Books with Essential CBTs
Dynamic Blackboard & Open-air Library
Certificate of Excellence/Participation
Comprehensive Question Bank
Time-Saving Short-Notes
Multi-skill Reviews
Speech Drills


 Module 1
 Module 2
 Module 3
 Module 4
 Module 5
 Module 6
 Module 7

The Instructor

Some qualities of our teachers include appreciable skills in communication, listening, collaboration, adaptability, empathy and patience. They have all the characteristics needed for effective teaching such as managing an engaging classroom presence, value in real-world learning, exchange of best practices and a lifelong love of learning.

IELTS Counsellor Teacher
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